Sunday, July 26, 2009

129.25 Down, 285.25 To Go

The first thing an observant reader may notice about the title of this post is that it doesn't add up to 419. I've changed the math to reflect the missed run of 4.5 miles on 7/13.

Thursday's run is posted. It was a great one, and I was super-happy with the 8:47 average pace.

Saturday's run felt pretty good, too. I was especially proud of the fact that I maintained a better average pace and ticked off better splits than the 10 mile run one week before. I do wonder, though: does the improvement have more to do with the difference in the weather (a little cooler and less humid this week vs. last) or in my conditioning?

Funny story from Saturday: Jess and I stopped by Dick's Friday night so I could pick up some Body Glide. (If you're not familiar with Body Glide, think of it as Chap-Stik for areas of the body that are prone to chafing over long distances.) While we were there, I bought a new pair of running shorts, and I decided to wear those shorts on Saturday morning.

Fast-forward to about 7:30 AM on Saturday. I'm ticking off the miles, feeling pretty good about my pace, and looking forward to finishing my run. At about mile 11.2, I happen to look down at my feet and realize that the fronts of my socks are reddish in color ... then it slowly dawns on me that both shins are streaked in red, like this:

With only 3/4 of a mile to go, I felt confident that I could finish the run ... but the doubt definitely started to creep in. I began asking myself questions: Did I apply the Body Glide incorrectly? Apply it in the wrong places? Are these new shorts cutting into me somewhere? Why haven't I felt any pain? So I hammered through the end of the run and headed back to the car, where the first thing I did after taking a couple of pictures was try to find out where the bleeding was coming from.

As it turns out, the as-yet unwashed shorts were bleeding, not me. So the moral of the story is to wash dark garments before running 12 miles in them. Lesson learned ... but I did get some cool red and white socks out of the deal.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Catching Up

Well ... I'm not doing a very good job of keeping my posts up to date, eh? Since I last wrote, I have:
  • Missed my first training run on July 13 while in Kenosha, WI visiting my sister, her husband, and their new twins
  • Checked off my first-ever run of double-digit mileage (last Saturday)
  • Lost the GPS data for a run (July 14)
So here are the newest links to my runs ...

Saturday, July 11th in Kenosha, Wisconsin!
Thursday, July 16th (after missing 7/13 and losing the data for 7/14)
Saturday, July 18th (the aforementioned double-digit mileage)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I think a lot about my Uncle Harold when I'm running, and I think it's worth reminding you readers about him from time to time. After all, he's a big reason that I chose to be a charity runner this October in the Chicago Marathon.

Here's a photo of Uncle Harold and me on a building team trip to Puerto Rico in 2003. For four years in a row, he and I traveled with my dad and several other United Methodists (and one Presbyterian) to the city of Mayaguez and helped build a church there. Those were some of the best 'vacations' I've taken, and I'll never forget riding shotgun as Uncle Harold's co-pilot in our rental cars.

Monday, July 6, 2009

64.5 Down, 354.5 To Go

Wow. Could it be that I've doubled my total mileage since the last time I posted? And this after I promised you my posting frequency would increase?! I relly have no excuse. But let me catch you up on the runs since last time...
More posting to come later today, hopefully!