Wednesday, June 17, 2009

9 Down, 410 To Go

I'm a bit late posting this, but Tuesday's run is up for anyone who'd like to have a look. And yes, the starting time is correct ... but I can explain. Jess had to catch a flight out of CLT on Tuesday morning, so I decided the best time to get my 5 miles in the books would be while she was getting ready. At 4:30. In the morning.

Fundraising Update: If I haven't done a good job of getting this out there already, I'll remind you, Dear Reader: I committed to raise $2,200 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation when I registered for this marathon. So far, I'm almost 20% of the way there ($410). If you feel like putting me up closer to a full quarter of the way to my goal, check out the donation page and give generously. It's painless, I promise. In fact, it'll give you a warm fuzzy.

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